Jual Tanah Kavling 12 Are Tegallalang Ubud
Tegallalang, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali
Rp. 5.820.000.000 atau Rp 4.850.000 / m2
Informasi Properti
Kategori | : | Tanah |
Transaksi | : | Jual |
L. Tanah | : | 1200 m2 |
Dimensi | : | |
Hadap | : | Barat |
Sertifikat | : | SHM |
Jual Tanah Kavling 12 Are Tegallalang Ubud
Lokasi Tegallalang Ubud
View sawah dan jauh dari kepadatan
Ada 3 kavling, total luas 12 are
2 kavling, luas 5 are
1 kavling 7 are, di ujung dengan view sawah dan sungai
Tanah sudah tidak basah jadi siap bangun
Masih dikelilingi sawah, di ujung sana ada sungai di bawah
Sudah banyak villa di dan bangunan tapi tidak padat
Area sejuk dan tenang
Akses jalan mobil
View di seberang jalan utama ada beberapa villa
Kavling yang akan dijual berjarak minim 150m dari jalan jadi akses bagus tapi tidak bising untuk ditinggali
Langit biru dan pohon hijau, sawah menguning
Harga beli per kavling 525 juta per are
Harga beli global 485 juta per are
Total harga 5,82 milyar
Plot Land For Sale 12 Are Tegallalang Ubud
Location Tegallalang Ubud
View of rice fields and away from crowds
There are 3 plots, total area 12 are
2 plots, area 5 are
1 plot of 7 are, at the end with a view of rice fields and river
The ground is no longer wet so it’s ready to build
Still surrounded by rice fields, at the end there is a river
There are many villas and buildings
Cool and quiet area
Car road access
View across the main road there are several villas
The plot for sale is at least 150m from the road so access is good but not noisy to live in
Blue sky and green trees, yellow rice fields
The purchase price per plot is 525 million per are
Global purchase price 485 million per are
Total price 5.82 billion
- Ditayangkan: 29-10-2023
- Kode Listing: 2549
- Dilihat: 76
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