Dijual Cepat Tanah Panjaban Ocean View Pemandangan Laut Dan Bukit Teletubbi
Nusa Penida, Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali
Rp 3,1 Miliar atau Rp 150 Ribu / m2
Informasi Properti
Kategori | : | Tanah |
Transaksi | : | Jual |
L. Tanah | : | 20750 m2 |
Dimensi | : | |
Hadap | : | Barat |
Sertifikat | : | SHM |
Dijual Cepat Tanah Panjaban Ocean View Pemandangan Laut Dan Bukit Teletubbies Nusa Penida
Lokasi Dusun Penjaban Desa Sekartaji Nusa Penida Bali
Cocok sekali untuk villa, resort, hotel
Depan view laut dan belakang view Bukit Teletubies
View pantai Atuh dari lokasi
Lokasi terletak di bukit sehingga lebih dingin
Hanya 300 meter dari rencana Ringroad Nusa Penida dengan lebar jalan 20 meter
20 menit ke dermaga Sampalan
30 menit ke pusat kota
15 menit ke Pantai Atuh
25 menit ke Goa Giri Putri
Luas tanah 20750m2 (207,5 are)
SHM on hand
Kontur mentah, berbukit
Kondisi terkini, ada jalan lebar 5 meter, tanpa penataan
Lebar akses jalan 5 meter
PLN harus diajukan dulu, PDAM belum ada
Harga tanah 15 juta per are
Total harga 3,1125 milyar
Cara pembayaran:
1. Cash Keras
a. Booking fee 10%
b. Pelunasan 7 hari setelah setelah booking fee dan AJB di notaris dilakukan 1 hari setelah pelunasan
2. Biaya lain-lain:
a. PPN 11%
b. BPHTB 5%
c. Notaris 1%
Land For Sale Panjaban Ocean View 207 Are Sekartaji Nusa Penida
Location Penjaban Sekartaji Nusa Penida Bali
Very suitable for villas, resorts, hotels
Front view of the sea and rear view of Teletubbies Hill
View of Atuh beach from the location
The location is on a hill so it is cooler
Only 300 meters from the planned Nusa Penida Ringroad with a road width of 20 meters
20 minutes to Sampalan pier
30 minutes to city center
15 minutes to Atuh Beach
25 minutes to Goa Giri Putri
Land area 20750m2 (207.5 are)
SHM on hand
Raw, hilly contours
Current conditions, there is a 5 meter wide road, without any arrangement
The width of the access road is 5 meters
PLN must be submitted first, PDAM does not yet exist
The land price is 15 million per are
Total price 3.1125 billion
Payment method:
1. Hard Cash
a. Booking fee 10%
b. Payment is made 7 days after the booking fee and AJB at the notary is made 1 day after payment
2. Other costs:
a. VAT 11%
b. BPHTB 5%
c. Notary 1%
- Ditayangkan: 08-05-2024
- Kode Listing: 978043
- Dilihat: 29
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