Dijual Cepat Proyek 3 Karang Los Tebing Tanah Kavling Siap Bangun 1725m2 Pe
Nusa Penida, Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali
Rp 5,2 Miliar atau Rp 3 Juta / m2
Informasi Properti
Kategori | : | Tanah |
Transaksi | : | Jual |
L. Tanah | : | 1725 m2 |
Dimensi | : | |
Hadap | : | Barat |
Sertifikat | : | SHM |
Dijual Cepat Proyek 3 Karang Los Tebing Tanah Kavling Siap Bangun 1725m2 Pejukutan Nusa Penida
Lokasi Desa Pejukutan
Daerah pusat pariwisata di Nusa Penida Bali
Cocok sekali untuk villa, resort, hotel, resto, bar
View laut dari atas tebing
Dapat sunrise
Berada tepat di los tebing
40 menit ke pelabuhan utama Sampalan
45 menit ke pusat kota
3 menit ke Pantai Atuh dan pantai Diamond
1 menit dari obyek wisata Rumah Pohon
25 menti ke bukit Teletubbies
Luas 1725m2 (17,25 are)
Lebar depan 30m
Dimensi 30mx58m
Tanah mentah
Jalan aspal lebar 8 meter
Tiang Listrik
PLN belum
PDAM belum
View laut, tepat di tebing laut, los tebing
Kontur tanah merah
Harga 300 juta per are
Total harga 5,175 milyar
Cara Pembayaran:
1. Cash Keras
a. Booking fee 20jt
b. Pelunasan 7 hari setelah setelah booking fee dan AJB di notaris
1 hari setelah pelunasan
2. Biaya lain2:
a. PPN 11%
b. BPHTB 5%
c. Notaris 1%
Plot Land For Sale Project 3 Karang Los Tebing Ready-to-build 1725m2 Pejukutan Nusa Penida
Location Pejukutan Nusa Penida
The tourism center area in Nusa Penida Bali
Very suitable for villas, resorts, hotels, restaurants, bars
View of the sea from the top of the cliff
Get the sunrise
Located right on the cliff
40 minutes to the main port of Sampalan
45 minutes to city center
3 minutes to Atuh Beach and Diamond beach
1 minute from the Tree House tourist attraction
25 minutes to Teletubbies hill
Area 1725m2 (17.25 are)
Front width 30m
Dimensions 30mx58m
Raw land
Asphalt road 8 meters wide
PLN not yet
PDAM not yet
Sea view, right on the sea cliffs, Los Cliffs
Red soil contour
Price 300 million per are
Total price 5.175 billion
Payment method:
1. Hard Cash
a. Booking fee 20 million
b. Repayment 7 days after booking fee and AJB at the notary
1 day after payment
2. Other costs:
a. VAT 11%
b. BPHTB 5%
c. Notary 1%
- Ditayangkan: 08-05-2024
- Kode Listing: 978044
- Dilihat: 31
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