Jual Tanah 183 Are Hadap Timur Suana Nusa Penida Klungkung
Nusa Penida, Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali
Rp 22,9 Miliar atau Rp 1,3 Juta / m2
Informasi Properti
Kategori | : | Tanah |
Transaksi | : | Jual |
L. Tanah | : | 18300 m2 |
Dimensi | : | |
Hadap | : | Timur |
Sertifikat | : | SHM |
Jual Tanah 183 Are Hadap Timur Suana Nusa Penida Klungkung
Luas tanah 183 are
Hadap timur
Kontur tanah terasering
View sunrise dan laut
100 meter ke depan sudah tebing
Akses jalan raya menuju Diamond Beach
Harga 125 juta per are, net
Total harga 22,875 milyar
Land For Sale 183 Are East Facing Suana Nusa Penida Klungkung
Land area 183 are
East facing
Terracing land contour
View of sunrise and sea
100 meters ahead is a cliff
Highway access to Diamond Beach
Price 125 million per are, net
Total price 22.875 billion
- Ditayangkan: 11-05-2024
- Kode Listing: 978082
- Dilihat: 87
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