Sewa Ruko Baru Gandeng Boleh Sewa 1 Ruko Raya Abianbase Dalung Kapal Mengwi

Abianbase, Mengwi, Badung, Bali

Rp. 110.000.000

Informasi Properti

Kategori : Ruko
Transaksi : Sewa
K. Mandi : 2
L. Tanah : 99 m2
L. Bangunan : 99 m2
Dimensi :
Hadap : Barat
Sertifikat : SHM
Listrik : 1300
Air : Sumur


Sewa Ruko Baru Gandeng Boleh Sewa 1 Ruko Raya Abianbase Dalung Kapal Mengwi

Lokasi Jalan Raya Abianbase Dalung Kapal

Ruko gandeng
2 lantai
Dimensi per satu ruko 4,5meterx12meter
Luas tanah per satu ruko 99m2

Panjang halaman ruko (parkiran) 10meter

Listrik 1300 watt
Air sumur bor

Hadap barat

Harga sewa satu ruko 110 juta per tahun, nego
Harga sewa dua ruko gandeng tanpa sekat 220 juta per tahun, nego

For Rent 2 Shophouses Raya Abianbase Dalung Kapal Mengwi

Location Jalan Raya Abianbase Dalung Kapal

2 floors
The dimensions of one shophouse are 4.5 meters x 12 meters
The land area per one shophouse is 99m2

The length of the shophouse yard (parking) is 10 meters

1300 watt electricity
Drilled well water

Facing west

The rental price for one shophouse is 110 million per year, negotiable
The rental price for two attached shophouses without partitions is 220 million per year, negotiable

  • Ditayangkan: 28-05-2024
  • Kode Listing: 978311
  • Dilihat: 8

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