Jual Rumah Villa Pribadi Full Furnished 2 Lantai 3+1 Kamar Bedugul Baturiti

Baturiti, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali


Informasi Properti

Kategori : Villa
Transaksi : Jual
K. Tidur : 3
K. Mandi : 3
L. Tanah : 1500 m2
L. Bangunan : 800 m2
Dimensi :
Hadap : Timur
Sertifikat : SHM
Listrik : 4400
Air : PDAM


Jual Rumah Villa Pribadi Full Furnished 2 Lantai 3+1 Kamar Bedugul Baturiti Tabanan

Villa pribadi mewah dan full furnished di Bedugul, Baturiti, Tabanan.

Properti ini terletak di lokasi strategis di Jalan Raya Bedugul, Tabanan, yang memberikan kemudahan akses ke berbagai fasilitas.

Hanya 3 menit ke Polsek Candikuning, Hot Chocolate House, dan Rumah Gemuk.

Anda juga dapat mencapai Danau Beratan, SPBU Candikuning, dan Pondanu dalam waktu 5 menit.

Pasar tradisional Candikuning dapat ditempuh dalam 6 menit, sementara Bali Handara Golf and Resort hanya berjarak 7 menit.

Selain itu, The Sila’s Agrotourism dan Kebun Raya Bedugul dapat dicapai dalam waktu 10 menit, dan Blooms Garden hanya berjarak 11 menit.

Lokasi villa ini benar-benar strategis, memudahkan akses ke berbagai tempat menarik dan fasilitas penting di Bedugul.

Detail Properti

Luas Tanah: 1500 m²
Luas Bangunan: 800 m²
Jumlah Lantai: 2


3+1 Kamar Tidur
3+1 Kamar Mandi
Dapur luas lengkap dengan kitchen set dan alat masak
Garasi untuk 2 unit mobil SUV dan 4 motor
2 Gazebo (Bale Bengong) bergaya Eropa
2 Ruang Keluarga (lantai 1 dan lantai 2)
Ruang Makan Luas
Ruang Bermain Anak dengan playground di lantai 2
Kebun luas dengan hamparan bunga dan rumput yang asri
Area BBQ


Listrik 4400 watt


Sertifikat HGB
Arah Menghadap: Timur


Rp 9 Miliar

Villa ini merupakan pilihan ideal bagi Anda yang mencari hunian mewah dan nyaman di kawasan Bedugul dengan lingkungan yang sejuk dan asri.

For Sale Full Furnished Private Villa House 2 Floors 3+1 Rooms Bedugul Baturiti Tabanan

Full Furnished Private Villa House 2 Floors 3+1 Rooms Bedugul Baturiti Tabanan

Luxurious and fully furnished private villa in Bedugul, Baturiti, Tabanan.

This property is located in a strategic location on Jalan Raya Bedugul, Tabanan, which provides easy access to various facilities.

Only 3 minutes to Candikuning Police Station, Hot Chocolate House, and Rumah Fat.

You can also reach Lake Beratan, Candikuning gas station, and Pondanu within 5 minutes.

Candikuning traditional market can be reached in 6 minutes, while Bali Handara Golf and Resort is only 7 minutes away.

In addition, The Sila’s Agrotourism and Bedugul Botanical Gardens can be reached in 10 minutes, and Blooms Garden is only 11 minutes away.

The location of this villa is truly strategic, making it easy to access various interesting places and important facilities in Bedugul.

Property Details

Land Area: 1500 m²
Building Area: 800 m²
Number of Floors: 2


3+1 Bedrooms
3+1 Bathrooms
Spacious kitchen complete with kitchen set and cooking utensils
Garage for 2 SUVs and 4 motorbikes
2 Gazebos (Bale Bengong) European style
2 Family Rooms (1st floor and 2nd floor)
Spacious Dining Room
Children’s Playroom with playground on the 2nd floor
Spacious gardens with beautiful flower beds and grass
BBQ area


4400 watt electricity
PDAM water


HGB Certificate
Facing Direction: East


IDR 9 Billion

This villa is the ideal choice for those of you who are looking for a luxurious and comfortable residence in the Bedugul area with a cool and beautiful environment.

  • Ditayangkan: 19-06-2024
  • Kode Listing: 978730
  • Dilihat: 14

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