Dikontrakkan Min 5 Tahun Restoran Dan Guest House Padonan

Padonan, Tibubeneng, Badung, Bali

Rp. 500.000.000

Informasi Properti

Kategori : Guest house
Transaksi : Sewa
K. Tidur : 12
K. Mandi : 12
L. Tanah : 1676 m2
L. Bangunan : 952 m2
Dimensi :
Hadap : Utara
Sertifikat : SHM
Listrik : 3500
Air : Sumur


Sewa Min 5 Tahun Restoran Dan Guest House Padonan

Terletak di area Padonan yang tenang, properti ini menawarkan peluang investasi luar biasa dengan luas tanah 1676,23m2 dan total luas bangunan 952m2. Properti ini mencakup Guest House standar dengan 10 unit, masing-masing seluas 31,13m2, dan dua unit Guest House Deluxe yang lebih luas, masing-masing seluas 55,90m2, serta total luas bangunan Guest House sebesar 461,80m2.

Selain Guest House, properti ini dilengkapi dengan area lobi seluas 33,75m2, restoran seluas 228,29m2, dan dapur bersama seluas 26,68m2. Ada juga fasilitas toilet umum (2 unit) dengan luas total 4,65m2, kolam renang bersama seluas 46,08m2, kamar staf seluas 14,5m2, dan gudang seluas 14,21m2. Area parkir restoran dan tamu juga disediakan, masing-masing seluas 47,08m2 dan 74,54m2.

Kapasitas listrik mencakup 5500 watt untuk area restoran dan 3500 watt untuk masing-masing area Guest House. Sumber air bersih berasal dari sumur bor, memastikan pasokan air yang stabil dan terjaga.

Harga sewa properti ini adalah 500 juta per tahun dengan minimum sewa selama 5 tahun. Dengan semua fasilitas yang ditawarkan, properti ini merupakan pilihan ideal untuk memulai bisnis restoran dan guest house di kawasan yang sedang berkembang.

Luas tanah 1676,23m2
Luas total bangunan 952m2

Luas total bangunan standar Guest House (10 unit) 350m2
Luas bangunan per unit standar Guest House 31,13m2
Luas total bangunan Deluxe Guest House (2 unit) 111,80m2
Luas bangunan per unit Deluxe Guest House 55,90m2
Area Loby 33,75m2
Restaurant 228,29m2
Dapur Bersama 26,68m2
Toilet Umum (2 unit) 4,65m2
Share Pool 46,08m2
Kamar Staf 14,5m2
Gudang 14,21m2
Area Parkir Restaurant 47,08m2
Area Parkir Tamu 74,54m2

Kapasitas Listrik
Area Restaurant 5500 watt
Area Guest House 3500 watt (2)

Air bersih sumur bor

Harga 500 juta per tahun
Min 5 tahun

For Rent Minimum 5 Years Restaurant And Guest House Padonan

Located in the tranquil area of Padonan, this property offers an excellent investment opportunity with a land area of 1676.23m2 and a total building area of 952m2. The property includes a standard Guest House with 10 units, each with an area of 31.13m2, and two Deluxe Guest House units, each with an area of 55.90m2, making the total Guest House building area 461.80m2.

In addition to the Guest House, the property features a lobby area of 33.75m2, a restaurant of 228.29m2, and a shared kitchen of 26.68m2. There are also public toilets (2 units) with a total area of 4.65m2, a shared pool of 46.08m2, staff quarters of 14.5m2, and a storage room of 14.21m2. Parking areas for the restaurant and guests are also provided, with areas of 47.08m2 and 74.54m2, respectively.

The electricity capacity includes 5500 watts for the restaurant area and 3500 watts for each Guest House area. Clean water is sourced from a borehole, ensuring a stable and reliable water supply.

The rental price for this property is 500 million IDR per year with a minimum lease period of 5 years. With all the facilities offered, this property is an ideal choice for starting a restaurant and guest house business in a developing area.

Land area 1676.23m2
The total area of the building is 952m2

The total area of the standard Guest House building (10 units) is 350m2
The building area per standard Guest House unit is 31.13m2
The total building area of the Deluxe Guest House (2 units) is 111.80m2
The building area per Deluxe Guest House unit is 55.90m2
Lobby area 33.75m2
Restaurant 228.29m2
Shared Kitchen 26.68m2
Public Toilet (2 units) 4.65m2
Share Pool 46.08m2
Staff Room 14.5m2
Warehouse 14.21m2
Restaurant Parking Area 47.08m2
Guest Parking Area 74.54m2

Electrical Capacity
Restaurant area 5500 watts
Guest House Area 3500 watts (2)

Clean water from a drilled well

Price 500 million per year
Min 5 years

  • Ditayangkan: 05-10-2024
  • Kode Listing: 985119
  • Dilihat: 0

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