Jual Cepat Hotel Bintang Tiga Hadap Utara Legian 21 Kamar

Legian, Legian, Badung, Bali

Rp 32 Miliar

Informasi Properti

Kategori : Hotel
Transaksi : Jual
K. Tidur : 21
K. Mandi : 21
L. Tanah : 280 m2
L. Bangunan : 1000 m2
Dimensi :
Hadap : Utara
Sertifikat : SHM
Listrik : 66000
Air : -


Jual Cepat Hotel Bintang Tiga Hadap Utara Legian 21 Kamar

Hotel bintang tiga di jantung kawasan Legian ini adalah pilihan menarik bagi investor yang mencari peluang bisnis perhotelan di Bali. Berlokasi di Jalan Legian yang terkenal sebagai pusat hiburan dan wisata, hotel ini menawarkan akses mudah ke berbagai destinasi populer. Dengan luas tanah 280m2 dan bangunan seluas 1000m2, hotel ini menghadirkan suasana modern yang nyaman bagi tamu dari seluruh dunia.

Hotel berlantai enam ini memiliki 21 kamar tidur, masing-masing dilengkapi dengan AC, water heater, kamar mandi pribadi, dan balkon, memberikan privasi serta kenyamanan ekstra bagi para tamu. Didukung oleh daya listrik sebesar 66.000 watt, fasilitas umum hotel meliputi lift, parkir yang luas untuk 6 mobil, lobby yang luas, CCTV di setiap lantai, serta kolam renang. Restoran di lantai lima, yang berdekatan dengan infinity pool, menawarkan pemandangan menawan dan ruang yang ideal untuk bersantai.

Di area rooftop lantai enam, tersedia area berjemur yang menawarkan suasana eksklusif untuk menikmati sinar matahari Bali. Untuk kebutuhan bisnis, lantai pertama memiliki ruang pertemuan, ruang merchandise, kantor, dan ruang khusus untuk staf. Dengan Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM) dan harga Rp 32 miliar (masih bisa dinegosiasikan), hotel ini siap menjadi investasi bernilai tinggi di kawasan wisata Legian yang terus berkembang.

Hotel bintang tiga
Masi beroperasi

Lokasi Jalan Legian Badung

Luas tanah 280m2
Luas bangunan 1000m2

21 kamar tidur, dengan AC dan water heater di tiap kamar
21 kamar mandi

Listrik 66000 watt

Hadap utara

Fasilitas umum
Parkir 6 mobil
CCTV tiap lantai
Swimming Pool
Area Berjemur di Atap Hotel

Fasilitas Lantai 1
Ruang Pertemuan / Rapat
Ruang Merchandise
Ruang Karyawan

Fasilitas Lantai 2-4
21 Kamar dengan Balkon di setiap Kamar

Fasilitas Lantai 5
Restoran Terbuka
Infinity Swimming Pool

Fasilitas Lantai 6
Rooftop Sunbathing Area

Harga 32 milyar, nego

Quick Sale Three Star Hotel Facing North Legian 21 Rooms

This three-star hotel in the heart of Legian is an excellent opportunity for investors looking to expand into Bali’s thriving hospitality sector. Situated on the bustling Jalan Legian, known for its vibrant nightlife and tourist attractions, this hotel provides easy access to some of Bali’s most popular destinations. With a land area of 280m2 and a building area of 1000m2, it offers a modern and comfortable environment for guests from all over the world.

The six-story hotel features 21 guest rooms, each equipped with air conditioning, a water heater, a private bathroom, and a balcony, offering an enhanced level of privacy and comfort. Supported by a 66,000-watt power capacity, the hotel’s amenities include an elevator, spacious parking for six cars, a large lobby, CCTV on every floor, and a swimming pool. The fifth-floor restaurant, located beside the infinity pool, offers stunning views and a perfect space for relaxation.

On the rooftop, guests can enjoy a dedicated sunbathing area, ideal for soaking in Bali’s sunshine. For business needs, the first floor includes a meeting room, merchandise area, office, and staff facilities. With a Freehold Certificate (SHM) and a price of IDR 32 billion (negotiable), this hotel stands ready to be a high-value investment in the ever-growing Legian tourism area.

Three star hotel
Still operating

Location Jalan Legian Badung

Land area 280m2
Building area 1000m2

21 bedrooms, with AC and water heater in each room
21 bathrooms

Electricity 66000 watts

Facing north

Public facilities
Parking for 6 cars
CCTV on each floor
Swimming Pool
Sunbathing Area on the Roof of the Hotel

Floor 1 Facilities
Meeting / Conference Room
Merchandise Room
Employee Room

Floor 2-4 Facilities
21 Rooms with Balconies in each Room

Floor 5 Facilities
Open Restaurant
Infinity Swimming Pool

Floor 6 Facilities
Rooftop Sunbathing Area

Price 32 billion, nego

  • Ditayangkan: 08-11-2024
  • Kode Listing: 986821
  • Dilihat: 3

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