Leasehold Hotel 270 Kamar Nusa Dua
Nusa Dua, Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali
Rp 450 Miliar
Informasi Properti
Kategori | : | Hotel |
Transaksi | : | Jual |
K. Tidur | : | 290 |
K. Mandi | : | 290 |
L. Tanah | : | 6500 m2 |
L. Bangunan | : | 7106 m2 |
Dimensi | : | |
Hadap | : | Selatan |
Sertifikat | : | SHM |
Listrik | : | 2200 |
Air | : | - |
Leasehold Hotel 270 Kamar Nusa Dua
Hotel di Nusa Dua ini menawarkan peluang besar dengan total 270 kamar, terletak di atas lahan seluas 6.500 m² dengan luas bangunan 7.106 m². Properti ini dirancang dengan perhatian terhadap kenyamanan dan gaya, mencakup 41 Deluxe Balcony, 189 Deluxe Courtyard Balcony, 16 Deluxe Terrace, dan 24 Deluxe Sea View Terrace yang menyuguhkan pemandangan spektakuler.
Dengan lima lantai, hotel ini dilengkapi fasilitas seperti rooftop, kolam renang, gym, spa, kids club, restoran, dan area hijau. Setiap kamar dirancang dengan perabot lengkap dan akses ke teras atau balkon untuk menikmati suasana tropis Bali. Area parkir yang luas dan akses jalan 6 meter memberikan kenyamanan bagi tamu maupun pengelola.
Ditawarkan dengan harga IDR 450 miliar (USD 30 juta) untuk long leasehold selama 53 tahun dengan opsi perpanjangan hingga 60 tahun, properti ini merupakan investasi yang menarik di kawasan pariwisata eksklusif Nusa Dua. Lokasi strategis dan fasilitas unggulan menjadikannya tempat menarik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelancong domestik maupun internasional.
Luas tanah 6500m2
Luas bangunan 7106m2
270 kamar
41 Deluxe Balcony
189 Deluxe Courtyard Balcony
16 Deluxe Terrace
24 Deluxe Sea View Terrace
Hotel 5 Lantai
Perabot lengkap
Kolam renang
Spa Kids Club
Kamar mandi
Kamar tidur
Area parkir
Akses jalan 6 meter
Harga IDR 450 milyar (USD 30 juta)
Long leasehold 53 tahun + 60 tahun
Leasehold 270 Rooms Hotel Nusa Dua
This hotel in Nusa Dua offers a great opportunity with a total of 270 rooms, located on an area of 6,500 m² with a building area of 7,106 m². The property is designed with attention to comfort and style, including 41 Deluxe Balconies, 189 Deluxe Courtyard Balconies, 16 Deluxe Terraces, and 24 Deluxe Sea View Terraces that offer spectacular views.
With five floors, the hotel is equipped with facilities such as a rooftop, swimming pool, gym, spa, kids club, restaurant, and green areas. Each room is designed with complete furnishings and access to a terrace or balcony to enjoy the tropical atmosphere of Bali. A large parking area and 6-meter road access give comfort for both guests and managers.
Offered at a price of IDR 450 billion (USD 30 million) for a long leasehold for 53 years with an option to extend up to 60 years, this property is an attractive investment in the exclusive tourism area of Nusa Dua. Its strategic location and superior facilities make it an attractive place to meet the needs of domestic and international travelers.
Land area 6500m2
Building area 7106m2
270 rooms
41 Deluxe Balcony
189 Deluxe Courtyard Balcony
16 Deluxe Terrace
24 Deluxe Sea View Terrace
5 Floor Hotel
Completely furnished
Swimming pool
Spa Kids Club
Parking area
Road access 6 meters
Price IDR 450 billion (USD 30 million)
Long leasehold 53 years + 60 years
- Ditayangkan: 28-12-2024
- Kode Listing: 988991
- Dilihat: 6
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